Vital Signs
Vital Signs is a regional check-up conducted by community foundations to measure the vitality of communities across Canada. It gathers and publishes data on significant social and economic trends and offers analysis in areas critical to quality of life.
The Vital Signs 2023 reports have just been released in partnership with three Okanagan Community Foundations
Together the Community Foundation North Okanagan (CFNO), Central Okanagan Foundation (COF) and Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen (CFSOS) are releasing three Vital Signs reports that examine the strengths, challenges and needs across the Okanagan Valley.
These three reports take a closer look at the smaller communities making up the North Okanagan, the Central Okanagan and the South Okanagan Similkameen –while making comparisons to the entire Okanagan and the province of British Columbia. These reports show us where we are falling short in providing for our most vulnerable citizens and offer a platform of data and trends to examine for future solutions.
Click on the report images to view and download them.
North Okanagan’s Vital Signs Report
Presented by: Community Foundation North Okanagan
Central Okanagan’s Vital Signs Report
Presented by: Central Okanagan Foundation
South Okanagan Similkameen’s Vital Signs Report
Presented by: Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen
We proudly participate in the national Vital Signs program because we want residents of the Okanagan to connect over a shared understanding of the trends and changes affecting the quality of life in our region. Programs such as Vital Signs, with its local data and community-driven knowledge, help us make bolder and better decisions that ensure everyone has the support and opportunity to flourish in the Okanagan.
How To Use This Report:
PASS IT ON. Share the report with your friends, colleagues, employees, students, neighbours, library, community center or an elected/public official at any level.
FIND OUT MORE. Learn about the many organizations working to improve our community and how you can get involved, too.
CONTACT US. We know about the issues of our community and the organizations working to improve them. If you would like to make a difference, we can help and guide you.
If you or your organization is moved or motivated by what you read, use this report as a starting point for positive action.

We’re here to help.
Questions or concerns? Reach out to us for any additional support.
Leanne Hammond
Executive Director