Smart & Caring Community Fund
As time passes communities grow and change. At the Community Foundation North Okanagan we recognize the importance of flexible funding to help organizations address current and changing issues.
Our Smart & Caring Community Fund and Granting Program unites donors and organizations that want to respond to the most important needs of our local community.
Responsive grant-making addresses a wide variety of social, cultural, educational, and environmental needs, while keeping a pulse on the issue areas that are specific to our North Okanagan region.
Our donors give to the Smart & Caring Community Fund, to enable responsive grants that will support the evolving needs of our region.
There are many ways you can support this fund:
Start a named endowment fund that will provide income to our community forever.
Donate to the Smart & Caring Community Fund.
Set up a monthly donation to make ongoing contributions to the Smart & Caring Community Fund.
For more information on our giving options click here.
Fund Focus Areas:
Arts & Culture • Education • Environment
• Health & Recreation • Social Services
How the Smart & Caring Community Granting Program works:
The Annual Spring Granting Cycle opens every March.
Applications are submitted by charitable organizations for a wide variety of community interest projects.
Grant Committees made up of local experts, review applications and make recommendations that go to the Board of Directors to be ratified.
The Board of Directors approves funding and the Community Foundation disburses grants to approved grant applicants.
Grant recipients implement their programs and projects.
Grant recipients submit progress reports.
Community Foundation highlights projects and programs through their communications.
Thank you for your generous contribution.
Ways to give:
Online donations – complete the form below.
Etransfer – send to info@cfno.org and specify that is it for the Smart & Caring Community Fund. Please include your mailing and email addresses in the memo line of the e-transfer, or send a separate email to info@cfno.org so we can issue you a tax receipt. Donations made without this contact information will be considered anonymous and not receipted.
Cheque – payable to CFNO, please note “Smart & Caring Community Fund” in the memo space, Mail to: CFNO #304 – 3402 27th Avenue, Vernon BC V1T 1S1
Securities Transfer – forms available by contacting Leanne at 250-542-8655 or email leanne@cfno.org
Consider Monthly Giving. Monthly giving is one of the most efficient ways to donate. You don’t have to worry about remembering to give every year, and it’s a great way to make a big impact.