Gail and Richard Hamilton
The Hamiltons chose to create their endowment fund without a designated recipient so that income from the fund could be used anywhere in the community
In 1994, Gail Hamilton joined the Community Foundation as a director. She became President in 2002 and in the 2004 Report to the Community Gail wrote the following. “It is the ongoing commitment of CFNO to support the lasting legacy of the endowment funds – making a difference in the community today and in the future – that I find so appealing.”
That same year Gail and her husband Richard decided to start their own endowment. “As a Board of Directors we were out there asking for donations,” said Gail. “Richard and I thought it was important to be making a donation of our own.”
“We add to it a bit at a time,” said Richard, “so over the years the endowment has grown fulfilling our wish for a lasting legacy for the community.”
The Hamiltons chose to create their endowment fund without a designated recipient so that income from the fund could be used anywhere in the community that the Directors saw fit. “We wanted the income to be used for present day needs,” said Gail. “We wanted to leave a legacy that would support a variety of community causes that might change over time.”
“I really like that the Foundation keeps administrative costs at 1% or less so there isn’t a large overhead,” said Gail, “and I have great comfort that the Foundation Board will continue to manage the endowment in a proper manner for the benefit of the entire community.”