Gary and Sandi Huston

Putting something back into the community has led Gary Huston and his family to create a permanent fund with the Community Foundation North Okanagan. Gary’s professional work as an accountant and an investment advisor has shown him that investing time, money and talents can result in a desired positive outcome.

Gary served on the Board of Directors for the Community Foundation for approximately 10 years, intentionally giving his time and talent to enhance the community. His financial knowledge and talents were appreciated as the Foundation’s funds under management grew.

Volunteering with the Community Foundation’s Grants Committee gave Gary a first-hand view of how the committee makes annual granting decisions. The Huston family decided to earmark the income from their fund to the Smart & Caring Community granting program to make their contribution both meaningful and relevant.

As Gary explains, “Leaving the annual granting decisions to the Foundation’s granting committee provides flexibility now and in the future.”


Armstrong Spallumcheen Museum & Arts Society


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